캐리와 똘똘이가 함께한 치카치카 목욕놀이 장난감 Giving a Baby doll 'Ttolttoli' a bath with bathtub toys Carrie and Toys

똘똘이와 모래놀이를 했어요. 온 몸이 모래 투성이가 되었네요. 목욕을 해야 해요. 캐리가 똘똘이를 목욕시켜 주었어요. It's time to give Ttolttoli , a popular baby doll in Korea, a bath. In the video Carrie is playing sand with a baby doll ‘Ttolttoli’ and giving it a bath. Keep in your mind that Your Kid have to wash themselves after playing sand! Let's play with bathtub toys and have fun!

2015-08-10 434 views 0